Noorderspel 2018 board game convention, hosted by WirWar Spellen Groningen

Since our recent move up North in the Netherlands we hadn’t had the chance of visiting any of the Dutch conventions there yet, but now we were only 45 minutes away from Groningen so we couldn’t pass up visiting Noorderspel 2018 in the beautiful venue of the Der Aa-Kerk.

noorderspel logo wir war

The local friendly board game shop, Wir War Spellen, is the driving force behind this wonderful convention and with proud one of the owners, Kim, told us they expected this year to be the biggest turnstile event yet. Congratulations on that fact!

der aa-kerk met blauwe lucht web.jpg

The diversity of crowd and a lot of board game hotness

There was no lack of great publisher houses and the venue was packed to the brim with board game hotness from recent years, but also some new tasteful 2018 titles were present. What also stood out for us was the variety of different kind of people which were present. Let me explain, from people who never had played any board games, besides the classics of Monopoly or Trivial Pursuit, light casual gamers with their Munchkin or Cards against Humanity fun and the expected many players, who are well aware of what the modern board games have to offer to them. Also, the diversity between male and female was something which we were pleasantly surprised to see.

There were tons of tables and enough possibilities to demo the games. All tables were hosted by friendly and capable demoing guys & girls. One little quibble, with the growing crowds, some paths could get a little crowded, so with the hobby sitting in an upswing of popularity, they may outgrow this atmospheric place in coming years. Which is a great thing, of course, more great souls enjoying the board game hobby is a very positive one.

We could say many more things about this wonderful event, something about the very affordable price for entree (2,50 euro and free for kids below 11), the practical place it has in the city center of Groningen, the huge giveaway of great games for a lot of visitors with the big raffle, but we prefer speaking in visuals and let you have a sense of being there yourself. So without further ado, let’s get to the photos, which are quite a few again. We have sort them by the publisher, and with the present games they showcased and they are without a particular order to them.

Enjoy 🙂

White Goblin Games


999 Games


Quined Games


Game Brewer


Alley Cat Games / Roland’s Revenge


Jolly Dutch


Portal Games




Hot Games


And many more people, publishers, designers & games


What’s a convention without prizes?


Closing out

I hope you liked our contribution to one of the biggest board game conventions in the northern parts of the Netherlands and showcasing all the people enjoying these fantastic board games. We would like to thank Wir War Spellen again for such a great event. We had a ton of fun doing it and with the family there, we and even got to play some games together also. Good times with likeminded people for a moment and being entranced by the magic sitting around a table together is worth a lot in this digital age we are living.

A little side note, please contact us when you want to use any of this content for personal use, we only ask to credit us properly.

Any publisher’s wanting to use our content, please see our policy and let us know how we can help out.

~ Love Your Board game Life or in Dutch, Hou van je Bordspel leven! ~

Marlon & Erna

5 thoughts on “Noorderspel 2018 board game convention, hosted by WirWar Spellen Groningen

  1. Leuk! Hoop op het Spellenspektakel ook Detective en Ruthless te spelen. Vraag me trouwens af wat die symbolen op de achterkant van de Queendomino-toren betekenen… Was de uitbreiding ook al te spelen of te zien (De Tijd van de Reuzen / Age of Giants)?

    Liked by 1 person

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